| 1. | Abrupt junction diode 突变结二极管
| 2. | Alloy junction diode 合金结二极管
| 3. | The heat - reaction characteristics of ni / si and tin / ni / si structure and the regularity for forming the nisi film have been studied deeply and formed the excellent ni - salicide shallow junction diode 文中对ni si和tin ni si的热反应特性以及nisi薄膜的形成规律进行了详细的研究。制备了优质的ni硅化物浅结二极管。
| 4. | This paper analyses the numerical simulation problems of the semiconductor devices deeply . a one dimensional pn junction diode is worked out satisfyingly by the recursive method with the matlab5 . 3 software 论文深入的分析了半导体器件的数值模拟问题,利用matlab5 . 3等计算机工具,用解三对角矩阵方程的递归算法,实现了pn结二极管的一维求解,取得了比较满意的结果。
| 5. | Schottky barrier diode is a kind of majority carrier device , using the contact barrier formed between metal and semiconductor to work . it has the advantages of low turn - on voltage and high response frequency , compared with pn junction diodes 肖特基二极管是利用金属与半导体之间接触势垒进行工作的一种多数载流子器件,与普通的pn结二极管相比,它具有正向导通电压低,响应速度快等优良特性。